Clearbrook Equine Center Project

The DEOS Controls Partner Support Team successfully delivered a customized distributed building management system for our partner Building Tech Services.

Building Tech Services provided a complete Multi-source Geothermal heating and cooling system to the client. The outdoor heat-pump (air source) and building ventilation VFD’s are integrated via MODbus. The indoor ground source heat pumps and the ECM circulation water pumps are integrated via BACnet. Automatic control valves are controlled directly from the main DEOS controller (OPEN810). The BTU meters are integrated via BACnet that monitor the energy usage of the system to separate zones for billing accountability

OPENview, DEOS’ complimentary and easy-to-use HTML 5 graphical user interface, hosted on the OPEN 810’s internal web server, is utilized as front-end providing easy access via computer, tablet, or smartphone. As per our partners requirements, we provided individual front-end navigation with system schematics and customized terminal device graphics.

DEOS Controls’ Partner Support Team holistic services not only included engineering and programming the project, but also pre-loaded and labeled all the terminal blocks for the entire project. This allowed us pre-commissioning of the project in house. Our partner had the opportunity to review and operate the system and allow to make changes if required. The Support team also assisted Building Tech Services remotely through a VPN connection during the start-up phase of the project.

This out of the box solution provided our partner and his client with the opportunity to review and test the system before it got installed. The installation process with our in-house pre-wired panels allows for a fast installation on site.

See also


Programmable Platform Controller

I/O Modules

Variety CAN bus I/O Modules


Embedded HTML 5 User Interface