World Vision Project – Ontario

The DEOS Controls Partner Ener3 Solutions successfully delivered a customized distributed building management system to their client.

Ener3 Solutions replaced the existing DDC System with the DEOS OPEN Zoning System. Ener3 was be able to reuse the existing BacNet network and replace the existing six RTU controller with our RTC1010. Each RTC1010 managed an average of 20 Variable Air Volume controllers per system. The system reset the Supply Air Temp to meet the space condition in every zone.

The existing Fan Coil and Unit heater unit wall Stat’s got replaced with the UPC Wall mounted controller and Ener3 was be able to reuse the existing wiring to control the Fan coil units.

For the Boiler system, Ener3 used the OPEN810 with the universal UI8/UO8. The PKM modules allowed us the mount the UI8/UO8 into existing controls cabinets to re-use the existing wiring and improved the efficiency during the replacement of the existing controls.

OPENweb, DEOS’ latest enterprise software with easy-to-use HTML 5 graphical user interface is utilized as front-end. It provides individual front-end navigation with floor plans and customized device graphics.

Engineering Drawings: